If you are looking for jobs in the Pacific Northwest, then jump over to my
Job Search Resources page. I have attempted to compile a list of various companies and other job hunting related information
for those seeking employment. If you know of additional resources not listed here, please send that information to me so that I may add them to the list.
If you need to contact me, please click here to send me comments,questions, or feedback. |
The purpose of this page is just to download programs which I write. Occasionally I have the need for a specific utility, and I feel that these should be made available to the general public in case someone else finds the need for such an application. These applications are made for the Win32 platform and are all written in VC unless otherwise stated. These programs may not be sold or distributed on medium(a) which charges the end user a fee to obtain medium(a). Downloading these applications means you do not hold the author (me) liable for any misuse or illegal activity with these programs. |